Thursday, March 3, 2011

Supreme Court Ruling: Reaction

What the Westboro Baptist Church ( did is wrong. I do not agree with what Westboro did but there is no denying the simple fact that it was legal. One can argue about hate speech and invasion of privacy but the fact remains that the church's messages were not directly pointed toward the dead solider nor were their protests in the immediate proximity to the funeral.
Over 1000 feet away toting signs with messages of heated condemnation the Westboro Church was well within their legal rights. To rule against what the Westboro Church would be a mixed bag. On the one hand it would be a good thing for this hateful speech to be shut down but that is inconsistent with the First Amendment. I suppose my perspective on this issue ultimately comes down to my understanding of the First Amendment. With that in mind perhaps if I studied it more closely I would understand it better and perhaps find a place in it for a ruling against the church; as I am sure some have done.
For now though it saddens me that people would use the First Amendment in such a terrible way. That is reality however and no law is perfect to matter how carefully crafted. There will always be loopholes and exceptions no matter how hard we try and with those flaws I am willing to accept the consequences. In turn for accepting those flaws and their consequences however I am able to enjoy freedom and a country the likes of which the world has never seen.
Perhaps there may be another way to defeat this church. Counter protests and rallies against them. Public pressure and community activism should all be used against them. This church is able to rally a group of passionate people for their crazy reasons so also I think we should in response against them. I believe the Supreme Court made the right choice and I believe what the Westboro Baptist Church does is wrong.
Some however believe that the speech of this church should be stopped in light of the First Amendment. Lindsy from Boston like me blelieves that what these people do is disgusting and should not happen. This is true, and I agree, but that does not answer the question as to if it is legal in light of what the First Amendment means. She says they are abusing the First Amendment, I would also agree with that but like I said above we live in an imperfect world with imperfect laws and I will take the negative in order to enjoy the positive that it affords me. Really this whole thing is terrible and sick and serves to remind me again of what a fallen world this really is.
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