Thursday, March 24, 2011

Josh Kristianto's Obituary (fake)

Joshua Kristianto, better known as Josh, was a bright, young and aspiring journalist. Kristianto was just a few weeks past his twentieth birthday when he choked on his toothbrush severely damaging his airways so that he was put on a respirator. He was taken off Thursday afternoon and died at 11:32 am.
Kristianto was born and raised in Fullerton California just minutes away from where he was attending school at Biola University. Before he passed Kristianto noted that he was grateful for his childhood which was “brimming with happiness and love from his parents’ kindness.” Kristianto’s years were highlighted by his time in his high school’s band and Japanese club. Kristianto was an only child and is survived by his mother and father Jonathan and Tina. Kristianto’s final wishes were that all gifts go toward helping his parents with his funeral expenses. Josh will be greatly missed. 

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