Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Missions Conference Feature

                At Biola University most students understand the doctrine of God’s omnipresence; however over a three day period known as Missions Conference some students had different feelings as to the effects of such an event. As Junior Mike Heineke put it “Missions Conference is a time that sets up a mindset on God.” Heineke made clear that while he always strives to look for and listen to God for him Missions Conference was a time where he indeed felt an increased presence.
              o  Others however such as senior music major Allie Nordy who did not attend Missions Conference this year because of a Crowell Music school tour felt differently about the event. Nordy stated that while she “heard great things” about Missions Conference this year she prefers Torrey Conference over Missions. She felt Missions Conference left her with a “guilty feeling.” Additionally Nordy commented that the after Missions she felt that increased spiritual atmosphere did not carry over the same as with Torrey Conference because Missions Conference is so focused on those who feel called to missions work.
                Again when interviewing freshman Dan Marino the sentiments of Mike Heineke arose again that for Marino he tries to see God in everything. Marino stated that he “doesn’t feel called to missions” but that “he felt a call to pray.” However when asked if he felt that the spiritual climate carried over he said “I guess it doesn’t feel like we had a big conference deal that just a happened.” Marino’s final analysis of Missions Conference was that perhaps it is just "too soon to tell" whether or not the event had an effect on the campus as a whole. 

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