Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Reporting Experience

     This was my first ever reporting experience other than the short in class report. I did not really know what to expect at first but then I quickly became aware that this was not easy or fast. I felt very lost at first trying to figure out what my store was even going to be but once I got past that I moved quickly to what angle I would approach.
     Then came the part that made me most uncomfortable. I did not really enjoy having to approach people although I did find my prepared questions helped me very much. I also found a great lack of satisfaction once I did begin interviewing as most people's quotes were not very interesting.
     Overall this experience was very good because it showed me what Journalism really is. I discovered it is very much about story finding and getting good quotes. I believe I read in STEPP that the key to better writing is better reporting, this is most definitely true.

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